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Pussy Power

Updated: Oct 23, 2018

Women of the world, claim the power of the pussy, better yet, go one step further and claim the power of the womb, it trumps all.

With its magical mysterious capacity to bring forth life, the power of the womb is a door between worlds.

An always-open portal, no need to go up or out, it’s a direct path straight to Source, and you carry it within you.

The power of the womb is a creative cauldron, empty yet full of all potentiality.

Who knows what (or who) might come through, opening as she does to the unlimited field of possibility.

The power of the womb is a mysterious luminous vastness, shining darkly through the night of inner space.

The power of the womb, no one gets here alive except through this portal.

Reverent awe is the proper response to the magical mysterious power of the womb.

Now pussy power ain’t quite the same.

It’s wilder and hotter, more exuberant and rambunctious, able to bring strong men down to their knees.

Pussy power swaggers a bit, juicy with confidence, bold in her desire, soft yet fierce.

A shy minx at first, once pussy power gets going, there’s no end to her capacity to stream liquid rainbow light, honey and nectar pouring down upon your head, blessing you with the mist of the Goddess.

Pussy power walks in the world, often maligned or manipulated, feared or preyed upon, but rarely ever understood, or loved and tended to properly.

Pussy power is a blessing, not a curse, something to be proud of, to celebrate.

There would be no need to suppress, repress, oppress or control the pussy if wasn’t so powerful.

Our need and hunger for her will never go away.

Women of the world, claim the power of the pussy and take your proper place.

Everything is better when the pussy is in power.

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