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The Care & Feeding of the Wild Yoni
The wild yoni is a magical creature capable of great feats of power. All you need do is get her in the mood. Stand up straight and act...

A Saucy Trumpet Girl Teaches Me About The Creative Action of Being
An unsolved Zen koan has taken over my life. I’m caught in the grip of its riddle. I try and imagine this whole koan challenge like a...

The Mother Wound
I thought I had left it all behind, 3000 miles ago, 3 decades ago, 3 dozen workshops ago, 3 thousand hours of meditation ago, But one...

Island Girl
We’ve been gorging on fresh-made mango sorbet this week, creamy, smooth and sweet ground out through the Champion juicer, the perfect...

Pussy Power
Women of the world, claim the power of the pussy, better yet, go one step further and claim the power of the womb, it trumps all. With...

The Power of Pleasure
Pleasure has gotten a bad rap. Often deemed superficial or sinful, negative attitudes about pleasure are prevalent. The truth is that...
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