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The Portal of Creative Actualization
So excited to share the video of the Portal of Creative Actualization! I think it captures the magic and mystery of the piece. My...

True Freedom Is Emotional Freedom
On this 4th of July, claim your birthrights to your unconditional lovability, worth and value. True freedom is an inside job. It’s...

Quantum Blast – incremental versus exponential growth
These past few months, I’ve been sharing aspects of my recent accelerations and expansions. Have you been going through rapid growth,...

Source Energy Channel
The transformational power of creative process never ceases to amaze me. This piece was made during an intensive with one of my...

Mind-Blowing Magic Physically Manifested
I’ve just taken a huge step in the transformation of my life and career, and it’s upped the ante in a major way. This morning, in the...

The Howling Wolves
The howling wolves at my door, just what is it they are hungry for? They hunt me down, snapping and snarling at my heels, red eyes...

Cling To Truth & Don’t Let Go
A beautiful and gifted woman consulted with me recently. A day after we met, a scene appeared in my meditation where she was this...

How To Handle The Call To Get Bigger When it Feels Overwhelming & Scary
How do you handle it when life has called you to get bigger, to take a major growth leap and move up in weight class? I’ve recently...

A Moment of Silence
I just finished an intense bout of writing this week to meet a deadline on a memoir I'm ghostwriting. The memoir is about a single woman,...

Scrap Your New Year’s Resolutions for Something Better
I quit making New Year’s resolutions some years back. Every year, from late December to early January, I receive dozens of emails and...

9 Things That Get Better with Age for the New Year
2017 has been a wild ride. We’re all another year older, and for those of us past our first bloom of youth, the typical New Year’s...

A Dream Of Trickster Medicine
Today I’m sharing a piece inspired by a dream. This summer, I got back into working with my dreams, keeping a dream journal and exploring...

Our Wombs Talk To Each Other: The Magic of Womb-to-Womb Resonance
It breaks my heart that almost every woman I know has no idea about the miraculous magic of her womb, no idea that it’s her greatest...

Manifestation The Feminine Operating System Way
Even though I’ve witnessed the power and effectiveness of the Feminine Operating System over and over again, in every woman I’ve worked...

Why Women Need Sensory Connection And Creative Process To Activate Their Feminine Operating System
I just realized something important this weekend. It explains why I designed my new workshop Desire & Creation Inside The Feminine...

6 Reasons Why Women Need To Use Their Feminine Operating System
I’m in recovery from forcing myself to function in an operating system not my own. I made it work for many years, because I thought I had...

The Care & Feeding of the Wild Yoni
The wild yoni is a magical creature capable of great feats of power. All you need do is get her in the mood. Stand up straight and act...

A Saucy Trumpet Girl Teaches Me About The Creative Action of Being
An unsolved Zen koan has taken over my life. I’m caught in the grip of its riddle. I try and imagine this whole koan challenge like a...

Pussy Power
Women of the world, claim the power of the pussy, better yet, go one step further and claim the power of the womb, it trumps all. With...

The Power of Pleasure
Pleasure has gotten a bad rap. Often deemed superficial or sinful, negative attitudes about pleasure are prevalent. The truth is that...
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